

Cost Improvement

Achieved improvement of cost reduction program

Award from PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia in the “Achieved improvement of cost reduction program” category.


Achieved target delivery and be the good delivery performance

Award from PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor in the “Achieved target delivery and be the good delivery performance” category.


Ranked First in the Innovation Challenge event PT. Astra Otoparts in the process category.

Ranked First in the Innovation Challenge event PT. Astra Otoparts in the process category.

Human Capital

Most Innovation Communication Program

Award from Astra Otoparts in the “Apresiasi Komunikasi Group Astra Otoparts”


Perusahaan Mitra CSR Jawa Barat

Award from West Java Government for the Company who has contribution in CSR Field

Perusahaan Mitra TJLSP Kabupaten Karawang

Award from Karawang Regency Government for the Company who has contribution in CSR Field

Award from PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia in the "Achieved improvement of cost reduction program" category.

Award from PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor in the "Achieved target delivery and be the good delivery performance" category.

Ranked First in the Innovation Challenge event PT. Astra Otoparts in the process category.